The Six Vibratory Words

These six words of Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật are the essential keys of Vô Vi Esoteric Science. By mentally invoking those six words from the top of your head, with consistent practice, you will create a flux of pure energy. This is the result of the harmonization of your microcosm and macrocosm. It generates from the development of your six essential psychic centers that fuses with the rhythmic universal vibration.


Mr. Tám has recorded a cassette tape on Nam Mô A Di Đà Phật to assist beginners in their mental invocation. In the beginning, it is best to listen to his tape. Then follow along, keeping your mouth closed, teeth  touching together, and tongue curled up to the upper gum. Beginners are first recommended to invoke Nam Mô A Di Đà Pht by placing each vibratory word on its corresponding psychic center as follows:


NAM [nahm]:  Its final resonance will be concentrated at the point between your eyebrows or the frontal psychic center. NAM truly represents the South Gate of Heaven and the South Binh Dinh Fire. The energy flow on each side of your forehead will build up at the middle point between your eyebrows. These two energies will then connect and spark brightly. Why do we invoke the word “NAM”? Nam enables the concentration of energy at the middle point between the eyebrows, and the harmonization with the South direction of Heaven and Earth. When fire generates fire, energy shines faster and will help the soul to attain higher levels.


MÔ [moh]: Its final resonance will be concentrated on the top of your head which is the cranial psychic center. In the macrocosm, this seed-syllable represents the north west and it possesses the energy of element air. It is the sanctifying and dispensing force of life that corresponds to the invisible aspect of the macrocosm. In the microcosm, MÔ represents the Blossom of the Meditative Vision. Its localization is the top of the head.


A [ah]: Its resonance will go to the renal psychic center. In the macrocosm, this seed-syllable represents the north and possesses the energy of element water. It is the Cosmic Force of Original Energy. In the microcosm, A represents the renal water which is the Vital Force or the Fluidic Energy of Seminal or Sexual Essence. Its localization is at the renal psychic center situated between the two kidneys.


DI [zee]: Its resonance will be concentrated on the heart or the cardiac psychic center.  In the macrocosm, this seed-syllable represents the Expansive Materialization and possesses the Potential Energy of the universe. In the microcosm, DI represents the interiorization and the transmutation of the three energies: Seminal / Sexual essence, vital breath and spiritual energy.


ĐÀ [da]:   The final resonance of ĐÀ will vibrate over all the pores of the epidermis from where light and color will emanate. ĐÀ represents the radiation of spiritual energy.  In the macrocosm, this seed-syllable represents the Emanation of Light and Color. It possesses the Divine Energy radiating toward ten directions in space. In the microcosm, ĐÀ represents the radiation of spiritual energy under the form of golden light, haloed around the person. This radiation emanates from the 84,000 pores of the epidermis. This emanation of the spiritual energy has the redemptive power facing the surroundings and constitutes the esoteric screen which protects the devotee against all negative forces. It is also the dynamic symbol of the state of Buddha: The aureola around the head of the devotee.

PHT [fut]:  Its final resonance goes right to the navel. PHT is concentrated at your navel or the umbilical psychic center. In the macrocosm, this seed-syllable represents the Cosmic Conscience and possesses the Power of Spiritual Awakening. In the microcosm, PHT represents the Intuition, the Vacuity. Its localization is at the umbilical psychic center. When the spiritual practitioner is calm and serene, this psychic center will enable him to recall his past in order to help him correct his errors. It constitutes the remembrance of the anterior existences of the practitioner. You will invoke the six sacred words on the corresponding psychic centers during the first six months or until you begin to experience the vibratory energy at the top of your head. After this time, you may concentrate only on the top of your head while invoking the mantra. Consistent invocation is also a way of permanent meditation because your mind is centered on one point. It will assist you in the development of your lucidity and the purification of your thoughts.


Mr. Tám: "Therefore, thought invocation, you will see how important the vibrations are! The proper vibrations will lead you to the location of the six centers of psychic energy within your body. Those six psychic centers are the most vulnerable points in your body. Through practice, you will achieve the opening of those six charkas in order to understand the whole operation of the universe. Only at the point you will reach the serenity to fully understand Buddha's teachings."
